LOCATER: Cleaning WiFi Connectivity Datasets for Semantic Localization


This paper explores the data cleaning challenges that arise in using WiFi connectivity data to locate users to semantic indoor locations such as buildings, regions, rooms. WiFi connectivity data consists of sporadic connections between devices and nearby WiFi access points (APs), each of which may cover a relatively large area within a building. Our system, entitled semantic LOCATion cleanER (LOCATER), postulates semantic localization as a series of data cleaning tasks - frst, it treats the problem of determining the AP to which a device is connected between any two of its connection events as a missing value detection and repair problem. It then associates the device with the semantic subregion (e.g., a conference room in the region) by postulating it as a location disambiguation problem. LOCATER uses a bootstrapping semi-supervised learning method for coarse localization and a probabilistic method to achieve fner localization. The paper shows that LOCATER can achieve signifcantly high accuracy at both the coarse and fne levels.

Proc. VLDB Endow
Roberto Yus
Roberto Yus
Assistant Professor

My research interests include Data Management, Knowledge Representation, the Internet of Things, and Privacy.

Georgios Bouloukakis
Georgios Bouloukakis
Associate Professor

My research interests include middleware, internet of things, distributed systems.
