Sieve: A Middleware Approach to Scalable Access Control for Database Management Systems

Current approaches for enforcing Fine Grained Access Control (FGAC) in DBMS do not scale to scenarios when the number of access control policies are in the order of thousands. This paper identifies such a use case in the context of emerging smart …

SmartBench: A Benchmark For Data Management In Smart Spaces

This paper proposes SmartBench, a benchmark focusing on queries resulting from (near) real-time applications and longer-term analysis of IoT data. SmartBench, derived from a deployed smart building monitoring system, is comprised of: 1) An extensible …

Abstracting Interactions with IoT Devices Towards a Semantic Vision of Smart Spaces

This paper describes a middleware framework for IoT smart spaces, SemIoTic, that provides application developers and end-users with the semantic domain-relevant view of the smart space, hiding the complexity of having to deal with/understand …

Trustworthy Privacy Policy Translation in Untrusted IoT Environments

Internet of Thing (IoT) systems, such as smart buildings and smart cities, provide services to users (individuals and organizations) in various aspect of our lives. To provide such services, IoT systems need to handle data captured from multiple …

Exploring fairness in participatory thermal comfort control in smart buildings

Current buildings rely on predefined rules to control the temperature in rooms disregarding their residents’ thermal comfort. Multiple approaches have been presented in the literature to tackle this issue (e.g., by enabling occupants to express their …